Post 60 - I made iiiiittt!!! Now I can open that delectable bottle of Kistler chardonnay.
I’m going through my annual review, and one of the items to think about is any bucket list items I want to accomplish this year. I’m a little stumped. I have a Notion page called “Life to-do / Bucket list” and it looks like this:
So what bucket list item do I want to accomplish this year?
Some items I shortlisted:
I’d certainly like to pass the WSET 3 this year, but I’d only take the course in Q4, after I’ve finished my Newfield coaching course, and all of this is dependent on work. I don’t know how crazy or intense it’ll be. Maybe I’ll be exhausted at the end of the year.
I’ve always wanted to be able to do the splits. This might tie in nicely with my health goal to be both strong and flexible in 2023, with something like Kinstretch.
I can probably afford to drink a Romanée Conti this year, but it might be financially imprudent given that I want to get back into saving and investing aggressively for my retirement.
These are some of the more do-able items I could do this year. But something’s missing, and I think it’s the “f***, yes” component. They’re sensible items, but not crazy enough somehow. I like a bit of crazy in my life. Not too much! Just enough to feel like there’s an element of danger in my life.
I’ll have to continue thinking about this to see what item(s) I put on my list. I think it’s important to think about bucket list items you want to accomplish, and generally being deliberate about your life. If not, life can pass you by and you’ll wake up at 70 and wonder why you didn’t do what you thought you would do.
Congratulations on making it to 60 consecutive days of posting! That's one bucket list item too